
The Concordia Learning Alliance currently consists of four Strategic Member Schools:
The Canterbury Primary School, Canterbury (currently a Teaching School) – part of The Canterbury Academy Trust and led by Beverley Farrell, a National Leader of Education
St Nicholas Special School, Canterbury – led by Richard Dalton, Headteacher
Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys, Canterbury – led by Ken Moffat, Headteacher
The Canterbury Academy, Canterbury - part of The Canterbury Academy Trust and led by Jon Watson, Executive Principal
The Concordia Learning Alliance is dedicated to providing a ‘world class’ experience for all students, offering excellent opportunities for career development and progression, by using the characteristics of outstanding education systems, encouraging peer led innovation and developing systems leaders. Represented within the Alliance are schools, academies and Multi-Academy Trusts, led by experienced Headteachers from the primary, cross phase, special and secondary sectors. As a result of this strong and continually evolving foundation, we are a group of schools and leaders with a genuine commitment to working together, in order to deliver the very best training for current and potential future teachers, offering a diverse range of experiences that will build skills and boost career potential.
Continual Professional Development
From September 2021 Concordia have offered a diverse range of professional development opportunities through areas such as education, facilities and estates management, corporate relations and marketing, finance and HR, and governance support. Not to mention, of course, the ability to successfully deliver a suite of National Professional Qualifications, ranging from the revised Middle Leadership model through to Senior Leadership, Headship and Executive Headship; whilst also including courses for colleagues that aspire to leadership and leadership opportunities for Teaching Assistants.
The Concordia Learning Alliance can offer something for everyone, looking to ‘catch colleagues in’ with a CPD menu that is all encompassing and inclusive; where opportunities exist to tailor career development specifically around individual passions, as well as school and team priorities, as opposed to what may best fit a budget or the CPD that could be sourced at the time. We probably all wonder, occasionally, how many members of our profession may have compromised what they are really passionate about because the bespoke CPD they needed simply wasn’t available to them at the time.
Concordia can offer experiences in a nursery setting, a primary school, a secondary school and sixth form (including grammar and comprehensive) and a specialist school; through to experiences working in an alternative curriculum provision/PRU, a youth, community and extended services team, offering wrap around care outside of traditional school hours and during holidays, and, also, the chance to engage in some of highest levels of school based educational research in this country, led by The Langton. It should also be noted that, across our schools, there remains a longstanding commitment to Specialist Resourced Provisions, with four SRPs for autism working in partnership with The National Autistic Society, and one for speech, language and communication need; further demonstrating Concordia’s commitment to fully inclusive and comprehensive education for all talents and a close working relationship with our Local Authority.
With the experience, knowledge, commitment and determination that Concordia has, it can offer colleagues local opportunities in local schools, delivered by local leaders who have collectively countless years of successful service to the young people, families and communities of East Kent.
Course Bookings
We invite you to check our new website concordialearningalliance.co.uk, and view our full CPD offer for academic year 2022/23, with a specific focus on terms 1 and 2. You will also see more information on our National Professional Qualification offer, with details of how to register, as well as information on dates, times, cost and who our facilitators are.
In the meantime, if you would like to know more about the Concordia Learning Alliance, or would like to potentially be involved as our Alliance develops, as one of our NPQ facilitators, CPD providers or otherwise, please don’t hesitate to contact us
Our best regards,
Bev, Richard, Ken and Jon
Concordia Directors